Mintter Architecture - Local App

It's hard to know how Mintter works, without a visual guide. Let's fix that!
We will start by the Local App page, that has the following elements as three separate blocks:
Electron App
Multiple window
Not very conclusive :)

Architecture graphs

To create architecture graphs we will use a text based framework called Mermaid.
graph TD
    A(Local App) --> B(Mintter Daemon #40;Go#41;)
    A --> C(Mintter Front-end #40;Electron-JS#41;)
    classDef default fill:,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
Note: Given mermaid takes () as the start-end of each block, we had to use the HTML entity codes:
    #40; for opening parenthesis
    #41; for closing parenthesis
This is the resulting graph:
Mintter app includes several subcomponents
To create a slightly more complex graph:
graph TD
    B(Mintter Front-end #40;Electron-JS#41; ) -- gRPC --> A(Mintter Daemon #40;Go#41;)  
    C(Mintter Light CLI #40;Python#41;) -- gRPC --> A 
    classDef default fill:,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
Note: the node that starts the connection, must start also the line. It doesn't work to use <-- arrow lines.
Note 2: Mintter Light Client uses Python make gRPC calls. Not all the entities are exposed in the Light Client. The authoritative source for proto calls is located at
This is the resulting diagram:
Mintter supports multiple clients, but only the Front-end is included in the base installer.
More complex diagrams to follow, as I expand my knowledge about Mintter:
    participant I as Idea
    participant D as Drafts 
    participant P as Published
    participant S as Server
    I ->> D: Translate idea into draft
    D ->> P: Publish idea to local 
    P ->> S: Change gets replicated to web  
Basic publishing workshop
    participant I as Idea
    Note over I: In your mind
    participant D as Drafts
    Note over D: In your computer 
    participant P as Published
    Note over P: In your peer computers
    participant S as Server
    Note over S: Visible on the Internet
    I ->> D: Translate idea into draft
    D ->> P: Publish idea to local 
    P ->> S: Change gets replicated to web