Authenticating in Golang webs with Goth package

One of the most common tasks in web development is user authentication. You need a way to verify that the user is who they say so you can allow them to access their data.
Nowadays, there are many ways to authenticate users. Some developers implement their own authentication system, however I tried to explore how to use a third-party service to authenticate users with their Google, Facebook, or GitHub accounts.
In the JavaScript ecosystem I used [Passport.js](, this library provides a common interface for authenticating users in many providers. In the Go ecosystem, I found the [Goth]( package.
In this article I will explain with code examples how to implement an authentication and authorization system for a [Echo]( server. In case you prefer to use the standard library see this [example]( and for chi watch this [video](
I will supose that you have a basic knowledge of Go and Echo and you have a project already set up.


The first step is to install the package using the go get command.
go get


The goth package works using the [gorilla/sessions]( package, so it is required to configure the Store before using it.
store := sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte(key))


store.Options.Path = "/"

store.Options.HttpOnly = true

store.Options.Secure = IsProd

gothic.Store = store
Then all wanted providers must be configured, see the [supported providers]( for more information.
Each provider has its own configuration, but all of them expose the same interface. In the following example, we configure the Google provider, it requires a ClientID, ClientSecret, and a CallbackURL. The first two are provided by Google in the [Google Developer Console](, and the last one is the URL where the user will be redirected after the authentication process (we will set it up later).
googleClientID := os.Getenv("GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID")

googleClientSecret := os.Getenv("GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET")

goth.UseProviders(google.New(googleClientID, googleClientSecret, "http://localhost:3000/auth/google/callback"))
This packages requires a few routes to be set up, login, callback and logout.
e.GET("/auth/:provider/callback", googleCallback)

e.GET("/logout/:provider", logout)

e.GET("/login/:provider", auth)
The :provider parameter is required because goth supports multiple providers, so it needs to know which one to use and it detect it by the URL.
The googleCallback will be called after google authenticates the user and will receive the user data
func googleCallback(c echo.Context) error {

	user, err := gothic.CompleteUserAuth(c.Response(), c.Request())

	if err != nil {


		return c.String(http.StatusInternalServerError, "Error")


	//save the user to the session

	userJSON, err := json.Marshal(user)

	if err != nil {

		return err


	err = gothic.StoreInSession("user", string(userJSON), c.Request(), c.Response())

	if err != nil {

		return err


	return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "/user")

As goth do not save any data in the session we also add some data to it so we can used later in our app. It is done by the gothic.StoreInSession function. In this case the whole user is stored but it will be better to save only the gmail.
At the end the function will redirect to a restricted route.
The auth function is responsible for login the user in the application. It must be called from a button in the HTML code.
func auth(c echo.Context) error {

	_, err := gothic.GetFromSession("user", c.Request())

	//if the user is already logged in, redirect to the user page

	if err == nil {

		return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "/user")


	provider := c.Param("provider")

	res := c.Response()

	req := c.Request().WithContext(context.WithValue(context.Background(), "provider", provider))

	gothic.BeginAuthHandler(res, req)

	return nil

As the user is saved in the session first we check if the user is already logged, in that case it will be redirect. In the other hand we will use the gothic.BeginAuthHandler function for request the credentials to teh user via the provider specified.
As we are using echo framework it is required to save the provider in the context, however if we are using the standard library this is not needed.
Finally we have to add a endpoint to logout.
func logout(c echo.Context) error {

	provider := c.Param("provider")

	res := c.Response()

	req := c.Request().WithContext(context.WithValue(context.Background(), "provider", provider))

	gothic.Logout(res, req)

	return c.Redirect(http.StatusTemporaryRedirect, "/")


Authorization middleware

This package help us to login using a third party and create the session for the user. However, it does not provide a middleware for checking if the user is logged in or not. For that we must implement a small middleware that will be executed before our HTTP handler.
func AuthorizationMiddleware(next echo.HandlerFunc) echo.HandlerFunc {

	return func(c echo.Context) error {

		//check the session is valid

		userJSON, err := gothic.GetFromSession("user", c.Request())

		if err != nil {

			return c.JSON(401, map[string]string{"message": "Unauthorized"})


		var user goth.User

		err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(userJSON), &user)

		if err != nil {

			return c.JSON(401, map[string]string{"message": "Unauthorized"})


		c.Set("user", user)

		return next(c)


This function receives a echo.HandlerFunc and returns the same so it can be used as middleware in [[Echo]]. It will retrieve the user from the session. If everything works fine the user is logged and the middleware would continue to the handler. In case soemthing wrong happens the application would return an error 401 Unauthorized .
At the end of the function the data retrieve from the session will b stored in the request context so it can be used in the handler.


This package is a great way to authenticate users in web applications. It provides a simple API for authentication in many providers, including Google, GitHub, and Facebook. It is easy to use and configure, and it works well with the Echo framework. You can find the complete code in this [repository](