🇬🇧 Bitcoin Custody Mentorship - FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the Bitcoin Custody Mentorship to learn how to securely store your digital wealth

What is the Custody Mentorship?

An online training with Arkad and Lunaticoin to master the secure custody of bitcoin and sleep peacefully at night.
In just 21 days, students will be prepared to execute their intergenerational wealth custody plan.

What is the schedule for the training?

The Mentorship consists of 2 types of sessions: Training sessions and tutoring/support sessions:
In the seventh edition, on Sundays April 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th, 2024, we will meet for training from 9 to 11:30 CET.
On April 14th, 21st, and 28th, we will meet with anyone interested for tutoring from 8 to 9 CET to address questions.
One week after completing the course, we will meet again to provide additional tutoring and address any questions that may have arisen during the execution of your bitcoin custody plan.

How are the practical exercises conducted?

The practical exercises accompany the theory sessions from the weekend. They are conducted from Monday to Friday and are posted in the private Discord group set up for Mentorship students. The exercises typically require between 40 to 60 minutes of daily dedication and are submitted at the end of the week for discussion during the tutoring sessions.

How are questions clarified?

Before the Mentorship begins, a private Discord group is set up that remains active 24/7 for answering questions via text. Questions can also be addressed verbally during the tutoring sessions.

What will be covered?

The Custody Mentorship is divided into 4 theoretical and practical blocks that deepen and consolidate knowledge of Bitcoin in a spiral manner (from outside to inside):
    The first block seeks to clarify the essence of Bitcoin to understand it as we understand a gold coin. It provides an initial overview of everything that ensures the security of Bitcoin custody (private keys, mnemonic phrases, etc.) and the elements of the Bitcoin network (types of transactions, fees, etc.).
    The second block delves into dissecting Bitcoin's private keys, building from the basics the entire scheme of public keys and types of addresses that exist. We cover wallet types and how to work in an airgapped manner. We conclude with an analysis of transaction sending, all its states once they leave our wallet, and how to not lose control over them at any point.
    In the third block, we detail the different Bitcoin custody schemes that exist and their motivations. We delve into everything related to derivation paths, accounts, and passphrases to master their management.
    And in the fourth and final block, we outline step by step everything you need to do to execute, back up, and custody your Bitcoin.
Each block lasts 1 week. It starts on Sundays with theoretical training and is accompanied by daily practical exercises in the private Discord group.

What will not be covered?

The Custody Mentorship stops before multisigs. Anything related to multisigs—such as Lightning or Miniscript—will be covered in a future Advanced Custody Mentorship. Node creation is also not studied, although we do work with them and use our private one.

Will the selection of "hardware wallets" be addressed?

Yes. You don't need to worry about starting the mentorship without a hardware device to store your bitcoin. We discuss the different options and recommend the ones that best suit each student so they can start using them.

What if I can't attend a class?

No problem. Classes are recorded and uploaded minutes after each session ends. Along with the recordings, an online virtual space is provided where all presentations in PDF and other working documents are available. They are accessible for 1 year so you can download them at any time. The private Discord group is open 24/7 during the 4 weeks of the course to address any questions you may have.

What do you gain from the course?

After completing the training, you will master the receipt, sending, and digital and physical custody of bitcoin with knowledge. You will sleep peacefully at night and will be able to accumulate intergenerational wealth without a doubt, thanks to a plan that everyone can follow in just 30 days.
If you have any questions, feel free to email us at: