Hypermedia and HTMX


Hypermedia has a beautiful history filled with radical technologists rooted in deeply humanistic visions. Recently, hypermedia has gained some renewed attention from the prosaic field of web development as an escape from the overly complex java-script driven front end frameworks.
Web development obviously has its origins in Hyper Text, however the vast majority of its users are not familiar with that origin, or even what the concept is. Even its developers mostly have a shallow interpretation of hypertext.
Most web applications are only on the web (ie in the browser) as a delivery mechanism and a runtime. HTML is just a legacy and cumbersome rendering language. Hypermedia controls are simply CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) db verbs.
In the early years of the web, c (1990's->2010's) hypertext was more central to perceptions of the technology, by its users and developers. It was known to to be the fullest expression of what hypermedia could be, (no back-linking for example) the development the mass adoption of the technology created the possibilities of completely new processes of collective epistemology, some of which were actualised. Wikipedia for example remains one of humanities greatest achievements.
Some the emerging development practices were documented by Roy Fielding in his doctoral thesis in the year 2k. To understand and develop them, Fielding derives the a set of design constraints; REST.
As explained in the book Hypermedia Systems:


The Hypermedia Systems book is associated with a js library that gained significant momentum; HTMX principle for its simplicity.
This architecture makes it much easier to write applications that feel modern, without using heavy front ends, and to do so in the language of your choose on the server.
The major selling point for this libraries adoption is its simplicity. However, I think it is possible to get the impression that hypermedia is simply about REST, that its about web-server that responds in some hypermedia format. I think it may over shadow some of the broader and deeper visions for hypermedia.
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