Hosted on via the Hypermedia Protocol.
A Block is a single node of content, and it often contains text.
The Block Node is the fundamental building block for creating structures of content within a document. It contains a single Block as well as an ordered set of children BlockNodes. Generally, a BlockNode may contain any type of child blocks.
Generally, Blocks and Block Nodes form Content in the Hypermedia Structure
Every Block has an ID that allows it to be referenced directly
Specify one of the pre-defined Block Types
A string field on the Block
Some blocks such as Embeds make a reference to something else, and the common link attribute is used
A Block can contain additional data known as Attributes to describe more details of how it can be used.
Text Blocks
Many Block types contain the text value. If a Block does, it may contain a list of Annotations to make the text more expressive.
Block Types
Standard text in a Document
Provide structure to a Document. Used to organize a Document and Navigation
Image, Video, File
Multimedia Blocks. The text of these blocks is the "caption" of the media element
Format a block of text as code, optionally specifying the language
An embed is a reference to another Document or Comment, with a view specified which changes the presentation. May refer to a whole Document, a Block or BlockNode within, or a Range of text.
The Embed Block has a view Attribute which specifies which type of embed it is:
Content Embed View
Show the full content that is referenced.
Card Embed View
A special block representation for another Document that appears inside
Navigation Embed View
Show the Navigation Structure of another document
Look up the Sub-Documents of a Document in the Site, and present them as as cards or within the Navigation View of the document. Contains the following:
    URL, reference to the Site or Document to query
Visually emphasize this content with a full-width background. The text of this block is a type of Heading, and the Children are visually inside this background. The background may be a color or an image, and there may be an image associated with the Feature Block.
Button Block shows a button with a link to the web or another Document
The Activity Block shows the comments, version history, and activity summary of Sub-Documents.
Show the Document title, authors, and version history for the Document
Annotation Types
Bold, Italic, Underline, Code
Simple text styling attributes that may be applied to a range of text
Specify a range of text to link to a web URL, or a Hypermedia URL (Document, Document Block, Comment)
This annotation applies to a single special character in the text which allows you to embed the title or portion of text from another document into this place of the text