Fireside Chat with Founder and Chairman

Joseph Jacks on the left, Bob Young on the right
spearkers: Bob Young & Joseph Jacks
Bob is the founder of previously Founder and CEO of RedHat
Software was free since the beginning
1964 Thomas Watson Jr invented the proprietary software.
thanks to him software went down into the mess we are in.
Q: how to explain the benefits of OSS to normal people?
Is important on any infrastructure we rely on to collaborate.
Sterling Question: why you are paying Don to write software that he's giving away fro free?
What works best for your customers? if Proprietary works fine. If OSS works that's fine too!. this is not a war between good and evil
The more the application is aim to non-tech people the less they benefit from the code being OSS. but when talking about Operating Systems that's different.
What does OSS require and need to help OSS prosper from where is at?
they need capital and expertise on how to do it.
OSS can be done very bad VERY easy. OSS Capital is helping devs not doing dumb decisions.
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