Bringing Freedom to the Internet - Andrew Milich

Andrew Milich is CEO of Skiff is an encrypted private workspace. Background in Siberia and Russia, building OSS bonds across the world.
End to end encryption is on the rise. A new upcoming standard. We expect privacy in the physical world, so we expect the same online.

Skiff Overview

Email, Calendar, Notes, and Drive. Privacy expected from all.
E2E used to be difficult or illegal. The landscape has changed
Trust in big tech has dropped off. They have to answer to governments, so E2E protects your data and maybe even your livelihood. Even the DB in your db isn't sensitive and it can help you sleep at night.
Skiff has 2 million users from crypto companies, SMB, etc.
Becoming a whole productivity suite. OSS transparency is critical to building trust. Any privacy focused product takes years to build reputation, so start early and communicate in the public.

OSS is the driver behind crypto and privacy

Open core is the vision.
Open source text editor for many use cases.
Relied on OSS contributions for Windows app

Emails have become a notification center for your life.

Critical that you have a email online that you trust for decades or even a century. Own your own domain or use a trusted provider
Email aliasing and "noise cancelling" to help you silence irrelevant notifications
Building your own workflows is crucial especially for devs

Not everybody wants privacy

Russia silently banned Skiff. No reason to expect distribution when even companies like McDonalds get banned. You should be careful of compliance but then avoid jurisdictions when your values collide.
Even for App Stores you need to fill out compliance forms for encryption and privacy. One one hand the EU leads the way forward but on the other hand governments are becoming more totalitarian about expecting access to encrypted data.
Join the advocacy debate with Skiff to avoid anti-encryption regulations.
EU has "chat control" which would break E2E encryption. Australia has an "access regulation law" US considering Earnit(?) regulation. Rights are being eroded even in western countries that have expectations of free speech.

How to get involved

App stores
Data accessible outside of normal silos. Stored in IPFS