Heart of Hypermedia

Our Values

Open - The network is open for 3rd-party participation, and our software is fully open source, allowing you to modify it for your needs
Independent - with Hypermedia you can connect directly with your friends and collaborators, with no social media gatekeepers
Collaborative - you can always make your spin on other people's content
Connected - you can consume and re-publish content to the open web

What makes us different

Everyone can participate in Hypermedia by publishing comments and creating your own variants of other people's content
Independent identity - nobody can impersonate you or block your open contributions
Anyone can archive content for reference or re-use
Preserved History - You can always see the full history of Hypermedia content, including authorship
Flexible monetization - With Mintter's payment solution, you can directly support all the original creators of the content you love
Direct connections - Connect directly over the internet, without relying on any companies
Permanent content - because you can back up content on your computer, your web server, and your friends and collaborators can back up the content, nothing will be permanently gone (unless everybody agrees to delete it)
No more broken links when you reference content online!
Hypermedia Groups allow you to publish
Social publishing - with comments and freedom to create your own variants, you can collaborate with anybody, even if they are outside your social circle
Own your "algorithm" and decide what content shows up for you
We love the web, and are building on top of the web rather than trying to replace it
With "web of trust", you can build a network by trusting people who your friends trust