Project: Improve Versions Accessory panel view

type: #Project
status: shaping


Currently the versions panel visible in the Group page and in the Publication page don’t look great. we need to make those panels look great and feel like you are in a robust app.


Define the utility of the groups version panel
time-travel: because only group editors can change groups, we can just show the list of changes and let users navigate through them.
copy link to a specific version
open specific version on a separate window
Publication version’s panel
show all the changes filtered by the current variant
copy link to specific version
show which change is publish in which group
open version in a new window
active state
Optional: change the state when a version is an immediate dependency of the current version selected. I believe this will give users a better idea why the changes that happen in the main view happened based on the dependencies of that current version
Optional: Render a git-like branch view at the top of the versions list
first we need to order the version by date
then make sense of the deps/children data to build the graph view. (still dunno how to do it, but I found a couple of libraries that does it.)
an idea example:


1.5 weeks without the git-like branch view

Rabbit Holes

No Gos