Humanity's Greatest Challenge

Humanity's Greatest Challenge and the Role of GreenBond (GB)
The world is grappling with an unprecedented existential threat stemming from human activities. The United Nations (UN) has recognized this as a critical challenge that affects both human and natural systems, disrupting resource availability, economic growth, and overall well-being. To address this pressing issue, various initiatives are being implemented by both public and private sectors, aligning with GreenBond's (GB) mission.
An effective and forward-looking response to this urgent threat demands the best available scientific knowledge. The UN provides essential tools to support the necessary transformation and effectively navigate change.
Since 1996, GB (IQGD) has been instrumental in developing standards and supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by UN Member States in 2015. Through the 2030 Agenda, GB presents 17 goals aimed at protecting and preserving our ecosystem through the creation of innovative solutions, aptly named GB SOLUTIONS.
Recognizing the potential of Blockchain & WEB3 technologies in generating economic resources for ecosystem protection and preservation, GB embarked on a study in 2014. In 2023, GB once again demonstrates its commitment to supporting the UN, Member States, and Corporations by pioneering the GBx solution, a first-of-its-kind economic/financial instrument tailored for WEB3 technology to effectively achieve the goals of the 2030 Agenda.
GB SOLUTIONS is the collective effort of a group of friends, professionals, corporations, and non-profit organizations from diverse backgrounds, united by a shared urgency to halt the deterioration of our ecosystem.
GBx, the embodiment of GB SOLUTIONS, serves as both an economic instrument and a technological platform designed to facilitate the attainment of the 17 UN goals. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, including Blockchain, Defi, AI, and ML, GBx aims to create a novel economic instrument to finance ecosystem restoration, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
As an initial step, GBx materializes in GB13, addressing the negative impact of anthropogenic activities on sustainable development, particularly climate change (Goal 13). GB13 focuses on GHG (Greenhouse Gas) mitigation initiatives through the quantification, monitoring, reporting, and verification of GHG emissions and/or removals.
GB13 seamlessly integrates innovative technologies into traditional production processes that contribute to climate change, driving transformative change.