Fireside Chat with Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) Director at MIT

Joseph Jacks left, Daniela Rus on the right
speakers: Daniela Rus & Joseph Jacks
Q: What are the biggest areas inside AI?
AI started at MIT with Marvin Minsky. in 1956
Computers were VERY different back then.
Neural networks where created in 1941!
many things that did not work back then are working now because all the info we have now
Three buckets
Solve technical and society challenges: how to reduce the size on the models, how to remove the need for manual labor, labelling...
Reach a limit on what we can do: scaling the current models have a limit to what we can achieve.
Applications: here's where the sky is the limit. we can still use the current methods and enhance people's work. when you merge Humans and machines the porcentage of error reduces up to 0.5%.
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