Checklist to release New Navigation

Hashtags can lightened in color so they aren't to loud.
Hashtags in the navegation
Tasks to do before Releasing Navigation:
    The Dropdown icons (chevrons) should be in view at al times
      Navegation Dropdown Icons
    Is there a way to align the icon hierarchy so they don't overlap but instead are placed in a column arrangement? Fix alignments
    Navegation Alignment
    Metadata Section
      The Layout Group Homepage is too wide.
        The Layout Group Homepage is very narrow when focusing.
      Different color between Focused and Open.
      Focus on parent ? (question mark)
      When you focus on a heading, the rest of the siblings should disappear.
      Should we have indentation in the breadcrumbs when Focusing?
        IMO @z6Mkp...nCnFp, we don't want indentation. Focusing increases the Level depth visible in the Menu Outline.
      When opening a section from an embed, it should keep the context or breadcrumb of the main account context. Instead, it opens a new context or new route or new breadcrumb.:
      Performance from the side-panel
      When creating a new context, a document, or a group, we should collapse Favorites and Main Account.
      Sometimes icons appear too small
      Sort Home Account document list as latest first.
      Bring back the Draft List
      The Publishing Location is defined by the Group Branch if it exists.
      (not important)
      Outline Draft only shows in the actual Draft.
      The favorite section should be able to be navigated and expanded from that same section. Profile and Favorite section shouldn't automatically close when another element is opened, instead when a new element is opened the heading in the navigation should be highlighted to signal where you are and the profile and Favorite section should stay open.(it should remain the user's decision if they want to keep the Profile and Favorite section open or if they want to close it.)
4 @z6Mks...ESQGx, in the embed metadata it would be good to have some type of iconography that differentiates the section as an embed. Its probable that there will be other types of metadata sections like footnotes or citations. At the moment I have them differentiated by color and structure.