"""Mintter reader class.

Pass in the access_method (either author_publications or group_publications). For groups_publications, pass in the group_id as well.
This will import the publications into a List of Documents,
with each Document containing text from under a Mintter block.

from groups.v1alpha import groups_pb2
from groups.v1alpha import groups_pb2_grpc
from documents.v1alpha import documents_pb2
from documents.v1alpha import documents_pb2_grpc

from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict

import grpc

from typing import Any, List, TYPE_CHECKING

    from langchain.docstore.document import Document as LCDocument

from llama_index.readers.base import BaseReader
from llama_index.readers.json import JSONReader
from llama_index.readers.schema.base import Document