Mintter Desktop Installation Guide


Download the Windows x64 file from the Mintter Release Page.
Execute the file after it has downloaded. A blue warning box will appear. Click "More Info" and then a button will appear at the bottom that says "Run Anyway". Click this and the installer will start.
Once Mintter is installed, you can run it normally by searching for it in the start menu.


If you have a new "Apple Silicon" Mac, download the arm64 file from the Mintter Release Page, otherwise download the x64 file.
Open the .dmg file that was downloaded and an image will mount. Drag the Mintter app icon into your Applications folder. You can now eject the image and open Mintter normally from your Applications folder.


Download the Linux .deb file from the Mintter Release Page
In the command line run the following, adjusting for the file and location where the .deb file was downloaded.
sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/mintter-desktop_....deb
Once installation completes, you can open it normally by searching for the app and running it.
This was tested on Ubuntu, but other Linux OSs should work similarly