demo demo publication

demo demo publication
In this post, I will talk about some of those concepts. But firstly, why do I want to talk about Frontend Architecture? Well, for me it’s an extremely personal topic. Why? Because on a daily basis, I have to fight really hard to convince not only the management level but also development teams that Frontend Architecture is as important as Backend Architecture.

Why do we need Frontend Architecture?

Functional and non-functional requirements must not only be applied in the Backend but also in the Frontend. Thus, with Frontend Architecture we are able to fulfill the business requirements. Moreover, we are able to better understand the complexity of projects, resulting in reducing the risk, time and costs of any project. However, in my opinion, the most valuable reason for Frontend Architecture is the maintainability and scalability of any project.

So, what does a Frontend Architecture look like?

In my experience, most of the time a Layered Architecture is used. However, I have to admit that I have also come across some projects that have applied a Hexagonal Architecture.
In this post, I will talk about some of those concepts. But firstly, why do I want to talk about Frontend Architecture? Well, for me it’s an extremely personal topic. Why? Because on a daily basis, I have to fight really hard to convince not only the management level but also development teams that Frontend Architecture is as important as Backend Architecture.

Why do we need Frontend Architecture?

Functional and non-functional requirements must not only be applied in the Backend but also in the Frontend. Thus, with Frontend Architecture we are able to fulfill the business requirements. Moreover, we are able to better understand the complexity of projects, resulting in reducing the risk, time and costs of any project. However, in my opinion, the most valuable reason for Frontend Architecture is the maintainability and scalability of any project.

So, what does a Frontend Architecture look like?

In my experience, most of the time a Layered Architecture is used. However, I have to admit that I have also come across some projects that have applied a Hexagonal Architecture.
In this post, I will talk about some of those concepts. But firstly, why do I want to talk about Frontend Architecture? Well, for me it’s an extremely personal topic. Why? Because on a daily basis, I have to fight really hard to convince not only the management level but also development teams that Frontend Architecture is as important as Backend Architecture.

Why do we need Frontend Architecture?

Functional and non-functional requirements must not only be applied in the Backend but also in the Frontend. Thus, with Frontend Architecture we are able to fulfill the business requirements. Moreover, we are able to better understand the complexity of projects, resulting in reducing the risk, time and costs of any project. However, in my opinion, the most valuable reason for Frontend Architecture is the maintainability and scalability of any project.

So, what does a Frontend Architecture look like?

In my experience, most of the time a Layered Architecture is used. However, I have to admit that I have also come across some projects that have applied a Hexagonal Architecture.