Project: Network Activity feed

type: #Project
status: shaping


In a system like Mintter we need to help users understand what changed and what updates at any level. This is not possible now with the current API and content that we have. Is important to keep the user up to date of all the updates that are being sent to its nodes/peers.


We need a way for users to know what happened in the network since the last time they open the app. That means that we need another kind of entity that can describe changes to anything in the system:
publish a new document
updating a document
update profile
create a new variant
update group
create new sites
This is not preventing from having a blank screen when the user just onboard to the network. This is something that needs to be handled in another project

Why do we need this?

it will give users a sense of life in the system
it will help users to know what’s currently more relevant and what to pay attention to
it will help users follow updates to the content that matters the most for them

Technical/UX decisions

Decide if we want to Github UX or the Notion UX
Notion has all the updates in a dialog that you can access in the sidebar
Github loads all the updates as the main feed of content
We need another entity that the frontend can query and list in chronological order
this list should be able to filter depending on the entity that is describing:
get all updates for publications
get all updates for groups
get all updates for contacts
get all updates for contacts I follow
get all updates for comments
The Home page of the app will change to have this information as the main information
the current list of documents will be moved to a “Results” page with ways to filter the content more easily
make sure that when we click on one of those update items, we go and show correctly the updated item.
new comment: link and highlight comment
new publication: go to publication page
update publication: link to publication and highlight changes
update group: highlight what changed in the group
contact update: highlight what changed in the contact
we need a system that knows what was the last time you ask for changes, so we can mark new changes as “new”
each update item should be aware if it was “visited” or “viewed” so we can mark it “as read”


this is a big project, I bet it will take 3 weeks or maybe this needs to be splitted into multiple projects.

Rabbit Holes

No Gos