Add a Contact

I advocate for Contacts and Add a Contact to your Contact List, instead of Connections.
Connection is a reserved name for the P2P Networking Domain. We are constantly connecting to hundreds of anonymous devices under bidirectional connections i.e. when querying the DHT.
Contact Devices are changing connections all the time.
Contacts are used in Apple or Telegram, for example, as a representation of your personal view of your social graph.
You can change your contact information; you can add email, phone, notes, etc
You can block a contact.
In Telegram, you can Invite a Contact.
You add them because you want to Contact them eventually or know about them.
Contacts Responsibilities
You will sync the Contact's Content, adding the account to your list of Haves/Wants, not necessarily form your Contact Device as any connection could provide the C.ontent.
You want to know if a Contact is Connected.
Your Contact information might be private, but your Contact List as a List of Accounts should be public.
The network needs the information for its Gossiping Protocol and Web of Trust verification.
Your Contact List (as your Group Subscriptions and Backlinks) will define your Content Discovery.
If you want to mention a Contact, you need first to add it to the Contact List.
First Version
Open in Mintter app