user Story: A group owner wants an easy way to compare the current state of a document in a group with all the new changes in his local node.

Main Goal

A group owner wants to check what are the changes that can be applied to its group. The only way to do this is by showing all the new versions available that have the current group version as a reference (or pointing to).
This way, the group owner can better understand what changed, who changed it, and if it's relevant to apply the change.
This new "Document context" can be filtered by multiple things:
only group editor changes
only trusted authors changes
all changes in my local node

The Version panel should "ignore" the Publication context

One way we can solve this is by removing the constraint of the Publication context inside the Versions panel and use that information to show/hide warnings and callouts.
if the version is not part of the current Pub context, then show a warning. We can also show a CTA to "include" it in the current Pub Context (considering that the Pub context can be agroup)

Filter New changes based on Contexts data

Another thing we can add to the top of the Versions panel, is to filter all the "new changes" based on a group/accounts filter. we can filter the new changes based on the group's editors, or based on your trusted authors.